What is Epoxy Floor Coating?

flooringEpoxy Flooring systems, which we can count many usage areas such as factories, shopping malls, open and closed car parks, hospitals, health institutions, offices in workplaces, dining halls, kitchens, hotels, are used for decoration purposes in bathrooms, kitchens, toilets in residences and we encounter them in almost every environment we are in. Epoxy floor coating which are used for different requirements in different areas, bring many added values ​​in the environments where they are used.

Concrete floors exposed to physical and chemical effects due to pedestrian traffic, heavy duty vehicles, forklifts, transplets, passenger vehicles as well as various solid, liquid raw materials and oils used in factory production, unless they are protected with Epoxy Coating, first go to the superficial stages. Afterwards, acidic or basic liquids penetrate the concrete and damage the ground concrete. Abrasions on the concrete, dust caused by external reasons cause the concrete to hold dirt, not easy to clean, visual pollution and dust flying in the environment, creating an unhealthy environment for people.

Visitors who come to such an environment cause negative image formation and job losses for the customers, after all, visuality is important for people coming from outside. Epoxy Floor Coatings are of course decorative visuals with their matte, glossy or orange-effect surface appearance with many color options. However, its benefits in terms of economy and human health cannot be ignored. The Epoxy Coating applied to the floor firstly protects the floor it covers from all physical chemical effects and cuts the permeability of the water-permeable concrete by acting as a waterproofing for the lower floors and protects the lower floors from moisture and moisture.

Although the budget allocated for epoxy flooring (zemin kaplama), which has become an inevitable necessity in large enterprises with the benefits it provides in every aspect, seems to be a high and unnecessary cost at first, if we look at its long-term benefits;

It minimizes the loss of work by protecting people from illness by protecting people from illness first of all, with the isolation it provides protection from moisture in the environment, hygiene prevents dusting, reduces the risk of breakdowns by protecting work machines and electronic devices from dust, prevents maintenance and repair costs and work losses due to malfunctions, It reduces the risk of defective and faulty emergence by being affected by the dust, It minimizes the damages that may occur in the building by protecting the floors from physical chemical effects, so the resulting repair and maintenance costs are minimized.

When all of these are considered together, we can easily say that the budget allocated for flooring is necessary and it will pay for itself in the long term.

Since large enterprises require high budgets, the smallest disruptions cause big losses. Therefore, we can easily say that Epoxy Flooring is one of the important necessities as a precaution to the occurrence of financial losses, as large enterprises supply many products and raw materials they use in production from sub-industries. the same things can be said,

This is why Epokzi Flooring applications are constantly becoming widespread and used in our country, and the number of manufacturers and applicators is also increasing. Alternatives are emerging and options are increasing for companies that will have Epoxy Floor Coating.

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